HugePages is crucial for faster Oracle database performance on Linux if you have a large RAM and SGA. If the combined database SGAs is large (like more than 8GB, can even be important for smaller), you will need HugePages configured. Note that the size of the SGA matters. Applies to: Linux OS - Version Enterprise Linux 4.0 to Oracle Linux 6.0 with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel [2.6.32] [Release RHEL4 to OL6] Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version and later Linux x86-64 Oracle Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) Hugepages is a delicate features of Oracle and one should understand certain concern before setting this. Concern before setting Huge Pages for Linux environment The performed configuration is basically based on the RAM installed and combined size of SGA of database instances you are running. Based on that when: Amount of RAM installed for the Linux OS changed New database instance(s) introduced SGA si...