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Showing posts from June, 2015

How to push images in docker

1. Sign up in docker - 2. Login and go to docker hub 3. You will get an mail from docker, you need to verify your mail id first.  4. Create a repository in docker hub 5. login into to your server. (Assume you have already installed docker) 6. $ sudo docker login provide your user id / password / email for docker hub 7. $ sudo docker ps -- to identify the container, whose image you need to push to docker hub 8. $ sudo docker commit  234567efrd45  userid/repository-name -- commit the specific container id to your docker repository 9. $ sudo docker images --- Now you can see new entry in the Repository with your public facing repository and a default TAG named 'latest' 10. $ sudo docker push userid/repository-name --push the image to your repository created in docker hub  11. Verify this from docker hub reposit...