CLIQUE The clique is a feature of some MPP systems that physically group nodes together by multiported access to common disk array units. Inter-node disk array connections are made using FibreChannel (FC) buses.
A clique is the mechanism that supports the migration of vprocs under PDE following a node failure. If a node in a clique fails, then vprocs migrate to other nodes in the clique and continue to operate while recovery occurs on their home node.
PEs that manage physical channel connections cannot migrate because they are dependent on the hardware that is physically attached to the node to which they are assigned. PEs for LAN-attached connections do migrate when a node failure occurs, as do all AMPs.
A clique is the mechanism that supports the migration of vprocs under PDE following a node failure. If a node in a clique fails, then vprocs migrate to other nodes in the clique and continue to operate while recovery occurs on their home node.
PEs that manage physical channel connections cannot migrate because they are dependent on the hardware that is physically attached to the node to which they are assigned. PEs for LAN-attached connections do migrate when a node failure occurs, as do all AMPs.