Use read.table()
It actually reads data into RAM. This is not good practice to use this for big data set.
Use read.csv() or read.csv2()
Assign to a variable
nedat <- b="" data.csv="" orkingdirectory="" read.table="">->
V1 V2
1 NA ,"EmpNo","EmpName","Location","Age"
2 1 ,1,"AAAA","KOL",20
3 2 ,2,"BBBB","MUM",23
4 3 ,3,"CCCC","DEL",24
5 4 ,4,"DDDD","CHE",45
6 5 ,5,"EEEE","KOL",67
7 6 ,6,"FFFF","MUM",54
8 7 ,7,"GGGG","DEL",34
9 8 ,8,"HHHH","CHE",65
10 9 ,9,"IIII","KOL",45
11 10 ,10,"JJJJ","MUM",50
View top few rows
It actually reads data into RAM. This is not good practice to use this for big data set.
Use read.csv() or read.csv2()
Assign to a variable
nedat <- b="" data.csv="" orkingdirectory="" read.table="">->
V1 V2
1 NA ,"EmpNo","EmpName","Location","Age"
2 1 ,1,"AAAA","KOL",20
3 2 ,2,"BBBB","MUM",23
4 3 ,3,"CCCC","DEL",24
5 4 ,4,"DDDD","CHE",45
6 5 ,5,"EEEE","KOL",67
7 6 ,6,"FFFF","MUM",54
8 7 ,7,"GGGG","DEL",34
9 8 ,8,"HHHH","CHE",65
10 9 ,9,"IIII","KOL",45
11 10 ,10,"JJJJ","MUM",50
View top few rows