The Relational Databases have the following challenges:
Compared to RDBMS, NoSQL DBs are more scalable and provide better performance. NoSQL databases address the challenges that the RDBMS does not provide in case of below mentioned situations.
- Not good for Petabytes of data with variety of data types (eg. images, videos, text)
- Cannot scale for large data volume
- Cannot scale-up, limited by memory and CPU capabilities
- Cannot scale-out, limited by cache dependent Read and Write operations
- Sharding causes operational problems
- Changing Table structure is a big challenge
- Consistency limits the scalability in RDBMS
- A scale-out, shared-nothing architecture, capable of running on a large number of nodes
- A non-locking concurrency control mechanism so that real-time reads will not conflict writes
- Scalable replication and distribution – thousands of machines with distributed data
- An architecture providing higher performance per node than RDBMS
- Schema-less data model