Top-k Sampling:
- It's a sampling technique used to control the randomness of text generation.
- Top-k limits the model's choices to the k tokens with the highest probability.
- For example, setting k to 3 restricts the model to choosing from the top three most probable tokens.
- The model selects from these options using probability weighting.
- This method adds some randomness while preventing highly improbable completions.
- Result: Text generation is more likely to sound reasonable and coherent.
Top-p Sampling:
- Another sampling technique to limit randomness in text generation.
- Top-p restricts the model to predictions whose combined probabilities do not exceed p.
- For example, setting p to 0.3 includes tokens with probabilities adding up to 0.3 (e.g., cake and donut with probabilities of 0.2 and 0.1).
- The model uses random probability weighting to choose from these tokens.
- Result: Allows control over text generation by specifying the total probability the model should choose from.
These two sampling techniques provide different ways to fine-tune text generation and strike a balance between randomness and coherence in the generated text. Top-k limits the number of choices, while top-p restricts the cumulative probability of options. The choice between them depends on the desired output and the specific use case.