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What is the difference between Elastic and Enterprise Redis w.r.t "Hybrid Query" capabilities

 We'll explore scenarios involving nested queries, aggregations, custom scoring, and hybrid queries that combine multiple search criteria.

1. Nested Queries

ElasticSearch Example:

ElasticSearch supports nested documents, which allows for querying on nested fields with complex conditions.

Query: Find products where the product has a review with a rating of 5 and the review text contains "excellent".

{ "query": { "nested": { "path": "reviews", "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "reviews.rating": 5 } }, { "match": { "reviews.text": "excellent" } } ] } } } } }

Redis Limitation:

Redis does not support nested documents natively. While you can store nested structures in JSON documents using the RedisJSON module, querying these nested structures with complex conditions is not straightforward and lacks the flexibility and expressiveness of ElasticSearch’s nested queries.

2. Aggregations

ElasticSearch Example:

ElasticSearch can perform complex aggregations to analyze data.

Query: Get the average rating of products, grouped by product category.

{ "aggs": { "categories": { "terms": { "field": "category.keyword" }, "aggs": { "avg_rating": { "avg": { "field": "rating" } } } } } }

Redis Limitation:

Redis does not have built-in support for such complex aggregations. While you can use Lua scripts or process data on the client-side, these approaches are less efficient and much more limited compared to ElasticSearch’s powerful aggregation framework.

3. Custom Scoring

ElasticSearch Example:

ElasticSearch allows custom scoring based on various factors.

Query: Boost the score of documents based on a combination of the product’s popularity and recency of reviews.

  "query": {
    "function_score": {
      "query": { "match_all": {} },
      "boost_mode": "multiply",
      "functions": [
          "field_value_factor": {
            "field": "popularity",
            "factor": 1.2,
            "modifier": "sqrt"
          "exp": {
            "review_date": {
              "origin": "now",
              "scale": "10d",
              "decay": 0.5

Redis Limitation:

Redis does not support such detailed and flexible custom scoring mechanisms. While you can manually adjust scores and weights, the level of sophistication and ease of use provided by ElasticSearch’s function_score query is not available.

4. Hybrid Queries

ElasticSearch Example:

ElasticSearch can combine multiple search criteria, including full-text search, numeric filters, and geo-filters in a single query.

Query: Find restaurants that are open now, serve "pizza", have a rating above 4.0, and are within 5km of a given location.

{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "menu": "pizza" } }, { "range": { "rating": { "gte": 4.0 } } }, { "geo_distance": { "distance": "5km", "location": { "lat": 40.7128, "lon": -74.0060 } } }, { "range": { "opening_hours": { "gte": "now/d", "lt": "now+1d/d" } } } ] } } }

Redis Limitation:

While Redis can handle individual query types like geo-queries or numeric ranges, combining them with full-text search and ensuring all conditions are met simultaneously is complex and not natively supported. Redis would require multiple queries and client-side merging of results, leading to inefficiencies.

5. Combining Vector Search with Full-Text Search and Filters

ElasticSearch Example:

ElasticSearch with the k-NN plugin can perform vector similarity search combined with full-text search and filters.

Query: Find documents where the text matches "machine learning", and the vector similarity is calculated against a provided vector, and the publish date is within the last year.

{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match": { "text": "machine learning" } }, { "range": { "publish_date": { "gte": "now-1y/d" } } }, { "knn": { "embedding": { "vector": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ...], "k": 10 } } } ] } } }

Redis Limitation:

While Redis can perform vector similarity search and full-text search separately, combining these with additional filters like date range is complex and less efficient. Redis lacks the seamless integration and querying capabilities found in ElasticSearch for such hybrid searches.

CriteriaElasticSearchEnterprise RedisExplanation
Nested QueriesSupports nested documents and complex conditions.Does not natively support nested documents.ElasticSearch allows querying on nested fields with complex conditions, enabling more sophisticated data structures and queries.
Example QueryFind products with reviews that have a rating of 5 and contain "excellent".Not feasible natively.Redis lacks native support for nested document querying, making such queries complex and inefficient.
AggregationsPowerful aggregation framework for complex data analysis.Limited aggregation support.ElasticSearch’s aggregation capabilities enable detailed data analysis and insights, whereas Redis requires client-side processing or Lua scripts, which are less efficient.
Example QueryGet the average rating of products grouped by category.Not feasible natively.Redis does not support complex aggregations, making it difficult to perform detailed analyses directly within the database.
Custom ScoringAllows detailed and flexible custom scoring based on various factors.Limited support for custom scoring.ElasticSearch’s custom scoring enables sophisticated relevance tuning, which Redis cannot achieve natively.
Example QueryBoost documents based on a combination of popularity and recency of reviews.Not feasible natively.Redis does not offer the flexible scoring mechanisms available in ElasticSearch.
Hybrid QueriesCombines multiple search criteria (full-text, numeric, geo-filters) in a single query.Complex and less efficient to combine different query types.ElasticSearch provides seamless integration of different query types, allowing comprehensive searches in a single query.
Example QueryFind restaurants open now, serving "pizza", with a rating above 4.0, within 5km of a location.Requires multiple queries and client-side merging.Redis’s lack of native support for combining diverse query types leads to inefficiencies.
Vector Search with FiltersCombines vector similarity search with full-text search and filters.Complex and less efficient for combining vector search with additional filters.ElasticSearch can seamlessly integrate vector search with other search criteria, enhancing hybrid search capabilities.
Example QueryFind documents matching "machine learning", with vector similarity, and publish date within the last year.Not feasible natively.Redis cannot efficiently combine vector search with additional filters and full-text search as ElasticSearch can.


ElasticSearch is better suited for handling complex queries involving nested structures, aggregations, custom scoring, and hybrid queries. Its robust query language and flexible architecture make it a more powerful choice for scenarios requiring sophisticated search capabilities. Redis excels in speed and simplicity but is not designed to handle the intricacies of complex query requirements as effectively as ElasticSearch.


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