Follow the following best practices when using mount points with SQL Server standalone and failover cluster instances - Use the root (host) volume exclusively for mount points. The root volume is the volume that is hosting the mount points. This greatly reduces the time that it takes to restore access to the mounted volumes if you have to run a chkdsk. This also reduces the time that it takes to restore from backup on the host volume. If you use the root (host) volume exclusively for mount points, the size of the host volume only has to be several MB. This reduces the probability that the root volume will be used for anything other than the mount points. During failover cluster installation, use subdirectories under the root of mounted volumes to store database and backup files. For example, say you have a mounted volume F:\SQL1. This is the root of the mount point and you shouldn't use this location directly to store your database files. You should instead create a subdirect...