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What is the difference between Reranking and Hybrid search? Where they have similarities?



What is Reranking?

  • Reranking is a process that takes initial search results and reorders them to improve their relevance.
  • Imagine you have a list of search results. Reranking looks at these results and adjusts their order to better match what you’re looking for.

How Does Reranking Work?

  • After the initial search, the system examines the results and applies additional criteria to reorder them.
  • For example, it might combine results from multiple searches using a technique like Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF), which adjusts the ranking based on how documents are scored across different searches.
  • This helps in pushing the most relevant documents to the top of the list.

Benefits of Reranking:

  • Refined Results: It fine-tunes the list of results to better meet the user’s needs.
  • Higher Quality: By considering multiple relevance signals, it ensures that the most pertinent documents are ranked higher.

Hybrid Search

What is Hybrid Search?

  • Hybrid Search combines multiple search techniques (such as keyword-based search and vector-based search) to find the best possible results for a query.
  • Think of it as using different tools to find the best documents: one tool looks for exact matches of words (keyword search), while another looks for documents that are conceptually similar (vector search).

How Does Hybrid Search Work?

  • When you perform a search, the system runs several types of searches in parallel.
  • For example, it might use a traditional keyword search to find documents containing the exact words you typed, and simultaneously use a vector search to find documents similar in meaning to your query.
  • The results from these different searches are then combined into a single list of results.

Benefits of Hybrid Search:

  • Broader Coverage: It captures both exact matches and similar concepts, providing a more comprehensive set of results.
  • Improved Relevance: By considering different ways of matching your query, it often finds more relevant documents than using a single search method.

Differences Between Hybrid Search and Reranking

AspectHybrid SearchReranking
PurposeCombine multiple search methods to find resultsAdjust the order of initial search results
ProcessRuns several types of searches in parallelTakes existing results and reorders them
OutputA combined list from different search techniquesA reordered list to improve relevance
When AppliedDuring the initial search phaseAfter initial results are generated
FocusBroader and diverse result setFine-tuning and refining existing results

Similarities Between Hybrid Search and Reranking

  • Goal: Both aim to improve the relevance and quality of search results.
  • Combination: Both involve combining multiple signals or results to achieve better outcomes.
  • Relevance: Both enhance the user’s experience by ensuring the most pertinent documents are easy to find.

Example to Illustrate

Imagine you are searching for "best smartphones" on a website.

Hybrid Search Example:

  • The system performs a keyword search for "best smartphones" and finds documents containing these exact words.
  • Simultaneously, it performs a vector search to find documents similar in context, such as reviews about top-rated phones.
  • Results from both searches are merged into one list, showing a variety of relevant documents.

Reranking Example:

  • After the initial search (which might already be a hybrid search), you get a list of documents.
  • The system then reranks these documents by looking at additional factors, like user ratings or freshness of the content, to reorder the list.
  • The most relevant and useful documents are moved to the top of the list.

In summary, hybrid search combines different search methods to gather a diverse set of results, while reranking fine-tunes these results to enhance their relevance. Both processes work together to provide a better search experience.


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