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Quantization in LLM vs Vector database

Quantization can be applied in different contexts, including both LLMs (Large Language Models) and vector databases. While the underlying concept of quantization remains the same, there are some differences in how it is applied and the specific trade-offs involved. Let's explore the differences: Data Representation: LLMs: In LLMs, quantization is primarily applied to reduce the memory requirements of model weights and other parameters. The precision of the floating-point numbers representing the weights is reduced, typically from 32-bit floating-point numbers (FP32) to lower precision formats like 16-bit floating-point numbers (FP16) or 8-bit integers (INT8). Vector Databases: In vector databases, quantization is applied to reduce the memory footprint of high-dimensional vectors. The vectors are typically represented as floating-point numbers, and quantization reduces the precision of these numbers to lower bit representations, such as 8-bit or even lower.
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